
iPostcards from Oregon/Washington

We're back!
Had a fabulous time!
Please click on the following destinations to be directed to the specific posting:


29 more years to go until full retirement

Turning 38 feels so insignificant,
until I realize that I have
29 more years to go until full retirement.
I only started feeling happy a few days later
when I had a reunion with some of my buds from high school,
who now live in Seattle,
and their families were sweet enough to give me a party.
Please click HERE to see pics.


Out on my vaca-SEAN/SABA-tical AUG07

I will be out of town on my
in Portland, OR & Seattle, WA
from 23AUG07-27AUG07.
In case of emergency,
please contact my manager/agent/publicist.


"Love is like a box of eggs"

If "Life is like a box of chocolates." ...
then, for me, "Love is like a box of eggs."
"... you've got to take extra care not to break it."
Here's to a dozen eggs
to represent each year of our 12 years together.
Our friends, Patrick & Michele Calderigi
were wonderful enough to grace us with their company
in our romantic celebration.


Oh what a wicked enchanted big hair week!

It really was not planned,
but somehow the first week of my favorite month
ended up to be one big musical extravaganza.
We went to see the following musicals all in one week:
Wicked, the Musical at the Pantages Theater
Jersey Boys at the Ahmanson Theater,
HairSpray, the movie, and
South Pacific at the Hollywood Bowl.

If you are not familiar with these musicals,
I made a medley of a sample of their music:
Warning: This is so gay! LOL


Tennis Legends Match

I come from a "tennis playing" family. My mother was instrumental in having the tennis court built in the village where I was raised. In fact, the last time my mother held a tennis racket was when she fainted on the court while playing. She later on found out from the doctor that she was pregnant with me, her last baby.

My twin cousin, Robin, Bill and I, went to watch an exhibition match between two tennis legends, John McEnroe vs. Jim Courier at the East West Bank Classic presented by Herbalife at the Home Depot Center.
my twin cousin Robin

McEnroe vs. Courier

John McEnroe's serve

Jim Courier's serve

my short video of the match

with the U.S. Open Series kids

Sean at the end of the exhibition match


Manhattan Beach Surf Fest 2007

Manhattan Beach Surf Fest is a 6-person volleyball tournament on the beach. The twist is people usually wear costumes to play and more often than not, the players are inebriated. It's one big massive party. The event also attracts the pros and ex-pros.
the beach before the crowds The Magnum P.I. team
The Grannies vs. Magnum P.I.'s
Grannies win
The water polo team does volleyball too
my cousin, "Where is Waldo Robin?" with the Baywatch babes

video footage

learn to hang glide at Dockweiler State Beach

My B's at Playa del Rey Beach

Besi & Birdie by the Venice Canals


20th Annual Hollywood Bowl Party

20th Annual Hollywood Bowl Party
South Pacific with Reba McEntire & Brian Stokes Mitchell


An Inconvenient Tale on the 11th Hour

Being a lover of animals and the great outdoors, I was deeply touched when I saw the documentary film, "Arctic Tale". A few days later, we watched the advanced screening of Leonardo DiCaprio's new feature documentary film, "The 11th Hour". Both films, in my opinion, we very compelling and well made, coming a year after Al Gore's Academy award winning documentary film, "An Inconvenient Truth". Whether you are a believer or a skeptic when it comes to the concept of global warming, I recommend you go see these thought-provoking films, in case you have not seen them. Who knows, it may touch something in you and may make you want to change part of your lifestyle and even go green.