When we got back home, we heared a bird trapped inside the house. When I reached over behind the sofa to grab it, so as to prevent it from hurting itself, I was startled to see that it was not a small bird. It had a very sharp beak and talons. Can anyone please identify what kind of bird of prey this is... Is it a baby hawk or falcon of some kind?
I am the result of an accidental and final creative effort between my mother, a writer & retired hotelier who comes from a musical family, and my father, a joker & retired airline man who has an enormous zest for life. People who know them well have said that I've inherited the best of their gifts. This is an attempt to share parts of my mundane life, which include entries about my family, my "in-laws", my friends, my pets, my travels, my adventures, my goofing around, and some of my feeble endeavors in writing, poetry, and song writing, etc. Hope you like my bloggerole of rigmarole ... my bloggerdash of balderdash!