
"While You Were Traveling"

Whenever we travel, we are lucky to have my sister and niece house-sit and dog-sit for us. We always would tell them that if anything negative should happen, to just try to take care of the problem and not disturb us while we are on our vacation.
Since we had decided not to move out of L.A. at this time, we decided to have the interior of the house painted with a new color scheme. Our friend, Candy, had recommended her painter, Bob. Bob is more of an artist, since he specializes in faux decorative painting. He could make a drywall look like marble/wood/tile, etc. After our initial meetings with him, we suspected that he was homeless and living out of his car. He also kept offering to take care of the dogs. Since the house was going to have paint all over, we obviously could not host my family to live in it. We also got the feeling that Bob might spend most of his time in the house anyway. Thus, we decided to have him stay in the house to paint, take care of the house, plants, and dogs.
The following our pics our friends, Candy, Ming, and Nancee took of how our normally orderly and clean house looked like while we were away. They had to empty out the refrigerator of exposed uncooked bloody meat and rescue our babies who had no room to lie down or get to their food and water.

our bedroom

pie plates on the carpet and

painting/art work exposed while ceiling was being painted

crap all over the bathroom

I can't even tell where this is

my office

poor plants

"Yes, we were planning to replace the carpet,
but not right away!"

Candy brought in her maids to disinfect the kitchen

45 minutes of hard scrubbing of the countertop

the living room

the dining room

the deck - what a mess!

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