California ban

Yehey! I already gave up on this ever happening.
Especially happy for all that believe in equality and that it happened in the state in which I live.
Not that Bill and I will immediately jump on it ...
we've only been together for almost 13 years ... LOL.
We've already filled out most of the necessary precautionary paper work to protect each other, so we never felt the need to file for domestic partnership or get civil unionized.
Not sure if we will take advantage of this next step and be part of history.
Unfortunately, current federal law prohibits the federal government from recognizing marriages of same-sex couples. This means that even if we got married, we currently will not have any of the rights, benefits, or protections that federal law gives to married heterosexual couples, such as the ability to file joint federal income taxes or receive federal spousal benefits through social security or other federal programs as a surviving spouse. Being excluded from these federal protections, and often state protections as well, is a serious hardship and can cause significant legal problems.
Perhaps we will just wait for that magic day when it becomes national and includes federal.
For more info, please click on:
CNN, Bloomberg, SFGate, Equality for All
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