01 May 2005
2005, 01 MAY
To my dear sister,
On your very special DAY,
how can a brother, ever affectionately DISPLAY,
or even have the right words to SAY,
or can ever you, REPAY
for what you do for all of us, while we're AWAY,
and for what you ask God for us, each time you PRAY?
Know that as a sister, you are more than A-OKAY!
From the time our Creator molded you from CLAY,
you were made close to perfection and always STAY
away from sin and never try to STRAY
from being the bearer of God's Word and his WAY,
just like your other sister, Sari, with her mules and HAY.
Remember, this is your DAY!
May you be awakened by a light RAY,
with sounds of birds chirping, like that of a Blue JAY,
and be served breakfast in bed already laid out on a big TRAY.
Forget work and go out and PLAY.
Enjoy every moment like it was a
plan to dance all night, boogie-woogie, jiggy-wiggy and SWAY
to the music set by the DEEJAY.
On your way home, stop to admire the stars of the Milky WAY,
make a wish and hope that your husband has enough energy left to give you a good LAY.
Belated Happy 52nd BIRTHDAY!!!
Love your brother, who happens to be GAY,
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