
A Day Without Immigrants

Un Dia Sin Inmigrantes
Primero de Mayo 2006

No, I didn't boycott work and still went to the office on this day.
Since my office is right in the heart of downtown,
I decided to spend my lunch break with my fellow immigrants.

Regardless of were you stand on the issues,
one thing if very clear to me,
"There is no easy answer or solution
to this immigration problem in the U.S.!"

There seems to be more attention given to those who crossed from south of the border, and less to those that flew or sailed several thousands of miles to get here. I am one of those people.
There were several times in my early years on this shaky ground,
where I almost became like most of them - illegal.
I know how it feels not knowing where you belong, and trying to prove you belong.
I paid my dues and fortunately with the grace of God, family, friends, employers, and immigration lawyers, I never did become one.
Very soon within this year, after 11 years since I left my homeland, I will finally become a citizen of this nation of immigrants.

Here are some of the interesting sights and banners that I saw:

The march started at the corner Broadway and Olympic.
I entered it via the corner of 6th & Broadway.

My gay boss and I started chanting,
"We're Here!, We're Queer!", "Allow Gays to Marry!"

Opps, wrong parade.
That's why we only saw a lot of green, orange, red, white, and blue colors.
No yellow, indigo, and violet colors of the rainbow.
I knew it that was too early in the year for Gay Pride Celebration!

I called Bill, and he jokingly told me to conduct an experiment:
Shout, "Go back to your country!" and see what happens.
Obviously, I was able to write this post, so that means I didn't do it. LOL

I helped this boy get up on this electrical box.
I should have told him the proper way to hold the U.S. flag.
That "FOR LEASE" sign is not his.
He does want to stay and not be returned
after you are done with his services.

Here they come! Get out of their way!

It did not say RSVP on the Statue of Liberty

We are America! Stop blaming us for what we are not

Downtown Los Angeles Skyline


One of my friends posted this letter written by a Filipino entitled,
"A Day Without Filipinos"
Click HERE to read it on his blog.


President Bush addresses the nation
and acknowledges the problem...

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