Had I known this during the beginnings of the Internet, I should have immediately registered that domain name. He would then have to pay me "mucho dinero" to use it. Unlike Madonna or Sting, who sued others using domain names with their name on it; he cannot sue me, since it is my real name and besides...I'm several weeks older than him. Damn, I would have had a better chance of getting rich this way than winning the lottery...LOL.
Most hip-hop clothes are so oversized/supersized, and unfortunately f

Since I was 10 years old, helping my sister raise my parents' first grandchild, I knew I was good with children. When my peers were starting to become parents in high school, college, in our early and late 20's, that obviously was not in the cards of my life plan. As I hit my thirties, somehow my body clock started ticking. I started yearning to become a father. I even went out and bought a brand new blender and turkey baster, just in case we found the right surrogate...LOL. My life partner, who was a teacher and coach early in his career, is equally, if not better than me when it comes to kids. Unfortunately, he worries that he may have already passed his best years to share in the physical joys of fatherhood. Eventually, it did not matter to us if the child was biologically one of ours, since there are so many precious children who need a loving home. When I hear about kids being born to couples/families with a unstable home, I more so feel we deserve to be given that chance.
We may never be ready for that possible opportunity or if that opportunity will ever be even given to us. But I do know one thing. I will make sure I will be do my best to be a good father to that blessing.
GLMA Hails Groundbreaking Report Finding That
Children Benefit When Their Same Sex Parents' Relationships
Are Legally Recognized.
Report appears in July issue of Pediatrics,
the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
c/o Dr. Constantine Azarcon M.D.
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