
Marriage is a Question of Love

Bittersweet. It is the only way to describe how those who voted "No on Prop" and at the same time voted for Barack Obama felt, after the results were all in during last week’s historic U.S. election. We cried with tears of joy & hope with Obama's winning and cried with tears of sadness & disbelief with the passing of Proposition 8 (52% to 48%). Ironically, at a time where we voted for the first African American President, the exit polls reflected that Black voters came out in favor of the proposition, more than any other voting group, by a 70/30 margin. As many as 90% of Black voters supported Obama and the Democrats. A large majority of them also voted "Yes on Prop 8". Once again, organized religion was the key influencer that drove many of them to vote the way they did.
I remain dumbfounded and speechless to this day. I was very touched as I watched Keith Olbermann voice out his opinion on this matter on the Special Comment portion of his program, Countdown with Keith Olbermann. Allow me to let this straight intelligent beautiful human being speak more eloquently for me, my partner, and my friends. Please view the video below...you might learn a thing or two and perhaps be enlightened.

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